March 18-20, 2025  |  Moscow  |  Crocus Expo IEC



Exhibition news

Feedback from exibitors ChemiCos, BeautyChemiCos, ChemiCos Industry 2023

Makhov Evgeny Alexandrovich, First Deputy General Director for Commercial Activities, NORCHEM LLC:
«First of all, I would like to thank the organizers for the excellent organization of the exhibition. The scale of the event in 2023 was a pleasant surprise, and the number of visitors significantly exceeded our expectations! Moreover, what is very important: these were not onlookers, but decision makers - owners, company executives and chief specialists. With such development dynamics, we can expect, which is what we wish to the organizers, an evolution from a niche exhibition into a leading macro regional industry event. The agenda, announced by the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russian Federation during the plenary sessions, was in the finest interests of the today's industry reality. They discussed not the severity of the problems, but the proposed and implemented ways to solve the problems through case histories. The proposed new interaction algorithms in terms of business support are to be specially mentioned - the expectations of not only key market players, but also beginners were took into account. Beginners are being helped already from the stage of creating new technologies».

Oksana Degtyareva, Sales Director, EFKO Cosmetic LLC:
«The exhibition was rich in content with great traffic. We have met a lot of current partners and potential ones. The exhibition was fruitful not only for the future sales, but also for the purchases of raw materials and ingredients».

Lushnikova Karina, Marketing manager, Edde Eva -Turkish brand of hair cosmetics:
«Thank you for organizing the exhibition! We’ve got a lot of positive emotions! We have learned a lot about how to move forward. There were visitors from retail chains, beauty salons, hotels – everything we needed!»

Bazarnova Alena, Project manager of nutraceuticals, Slavkom, Ltd:
«The ChemiCos exhibition was a success for the company; we gathered contacts of cosmetic companies that are interested in our segment. As visitors are aware of market trends and monitor large cosmetic chains, so they actively interact and do not want to stay behind trends. Cosmetics was the area of focus for the first time for us, we previously represented dietary supplements. Managers are already processing contacts, but it is already clear that the result will be positive».

Georgy Elin, Commercial director of Green Gate International LLP, Kazakhstan:
«On behalf of the Company, I express my deep gratitude to the Organizers of the exhibition!!!! During these few days, we managed to present our products to the attention of the Russian Federation regions’ representatives, learn about the peculiarities of the Russian market and the preferences of local consumers. We were very pleased with the attention and interest in cooperation from representatives of Russian Companies».

Dratvina Tatyana, Head of Special Projects Department, SVOBODA JSC:
«JSC SVOBODA expresses its gratitude to the ChemiCos 2023 exhibition organizers for the personalized and systematic approach.
A special thank you for the business program organization - forums and round tables on hot topics of the industry, which, among other things, made it possible, together with colleagues, to identify problems and find the vector for their resolution.
As a result of the exhibition, many useful contacts were acquired for further cooperation and exchange of experience».

Sergey Gorlushko, Marketing manager, MSK METALLSTROYMASH LLC:
«On behalf of the MSK METALLSTROYMASH LLC management, we would like to express our gratitude for organizing and holding the ChemiCos - 2023 exhibition. One of the most productive and extensive exhibitions during the last few years! Everything was organized at the highest level. As part of our joint stand, the Krasnodar Region received many useful contacts from potential customers, and as a result of the exhibition, about 87 targeted commercial offers were prepared by our company. Without any doubt, we will take part in the event next year. Thank you to the organizers!»

Lebedeva Anna Olegovna, Advertising Manager, Department of Advertising and Brand Development, ETS Group:
«Annually we take part in the ChemiCos exhibition and we are always satisfied: the organization of this event is at the highest level. Qualified employees are always ready to help/assist. It's always a pleasure to work with professionals. The exhibition itself is of a large-scale nature, we are glad to see our customers and also get acquainted with potential customers. Thank you for organizing such events».

Ilyina Irina Vladimirovna, Head of Sales at Fabrik Cosmetology:
«ChemiCos 2023 is a great exhibition with a high level of organization. We have met a lot of both current and potential customers, talked a lot and exchanged expertise. All customers were pro-active and focused on purchase. We have collected a record number of contacts, so we definitely plan to return to you for next year!» 

Vorotyntseva Elena, Marketing manager, cosmetic brand MAVVEL:
«ChemiCos 2023 is our first exhibition as a manufacturer in the cosmetics sector for hair, face and body care products. We sincerely express our deep gratitude to the organizing team. Maximum involvement and empathy, loyalty and assistance at every stage of preparation and holding of the event. Our participation goal was fully achieved, the results exceeded all expectations. We thank the ChemiCos 2023 team for a real beauty holiday in which we were lucky to participate».